Some of my most recent work

  • Self portraits

    Over the last few years, while being unwell with chronic fatigue, I was with myself a lot - so I naturally became my own subject matter. I was finding different ways to see and understand myself - often which required very little energy. Some were around having chronic fatigue, some around self expression, the challenges of being an introvert, and what it is and isn't ok to say.

  • Childhood workings out

    As part of the process of being in therapy, I have been addressing a lot of past emotional hurts, and I've used my art as an extension of this process. I really sit with the emotion while I'm making the work (which often takes some time if working on my stitched pieces). It can feel really quite vulnerable to share, but I'm also really curious and often surprised at how others respond to this work.

  • Pure emotional expression

    Pure emotional expression

    I try and regularly express myself by doing free, intuitive drawing. I will pick a size of paper, medium and colour that I am drawn to using in the moment, and let whatever needs to come out onto the page come out. I let go of aesthetic, of outcome, and feel my way through the drawing - letting it tell me when it is done, much like sitting and processing / working through an emotion.

  • 'Drawing'

    I often find myself 'drawing' with objects, or on materials that will be recycled or thrown away. The photo then becomes the drawing, or record of the work. I think they feel like drawings to me because they are creating a picture - even if I'm not using traditional drawing materials. And there are so many endless possibilities to play in this way.